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Monday, January 23, 2012

Humble Pie Gladly Eaten--By the Book

It may sound elementary to some, but listening to my little girl play "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" really is "music to my ears." It sounds like Mozart or Beethoven to me! Fact is, I am totally surprised and feel blessed that she is working hard at her level to accomplish simple music melodies "by the book." A year ago, I would have told you that it would be impossible for me to help her learn the piano, due to many challenges I won't expand on here. So, I guess I shall eat my humble pie now...yum yum! But, you know, it really does taste pretty good. And, I am glad to eat it, because she has accomplished something with her own hands and own action, and in my book, that is totally good for her mind, body and spirit. As we all know, learning the discipline of repetitious and persistent practice at an early age lays the foundation for higher learning in the later years. But what about its affect on character?

As Shinichi Suzuki says, "Talent is not inborn...every child acquires ability through experience and repetition. Ability develops through action. An idle person will not develop ability. For the sake of the children, let us educate them from the cradle to have a noble mind, a high sense of values, and a splendid ability...splendid in mind and heart...If this is not (the parent's) greatest hope, in the end the child may take a road that is contrary to their expectations."

Now I don't agree with everything Suzuki teaches, but I do agree with this basic principle he teaches here, because I have experienced its benefits firsthand.

Okay, I won't continue my soap box about get the picture...literally! 

Here she is playing "Twinkle, Twinkle" in her sweet dancing ballerina pajamas by window light.

This photo was entered in the I Heart Faces Photo Challenge "By the Book."
To see some amazing photos go to

I will leave you with one more thought from Suzuki to ponder, 
"The habit of action is the most important thing we must acquire. Life's success or failure actually depends on this one thing. So what should we do? We should get so that it is second nature to put our thoughts into action."