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Friday, March 9, 2012

Photo Challenge and Giveaway

Hey to all you photography lovers...check out my fun photo challenge and giveaway going on at my photography blogI am making a “New Year’s” resolution a little late this year. I am going to start taking more macro shots. I have been waiting to get my ever so coveted macro/micro lens, but have decided not to let that stop me. I am just going to start using what I have, and I am going out TODAY to take some pics of those Pear tree and Redbud blossoms before they all fall off the limbs with the upcoming rains. I have also made another resolution. I am going to start blogging my macro images on Mondays, so that means I will begin having "Macro Mondays." Check out how you can particpate and win a giveaway on March 19th. Plus, I have some really good tips on taking better macro photos over there. Click the link above!
Hope you can join me!

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